Consulting is a good “side hustle”

The phrase “side hustle” has gained popularity over the years. Nowadays, you’ve probably considered ways to turn your experience and expertise into a side job to earn extra income. It’s a smart move! Increase your earnings and maintain clients and projects that will enhance your industry knowledge while also keeping you connected to prospective new opportunities. Millions of workers are currently generating an additional source of income. These “gig workers,” or side-hustlers, depend on their existing skillset, have done well through consultancy. Here are five more reasons why considering a consulting side-hustle is suitable for your career: Figure Out Your Niche for Your Consulting Business: What abilities and knowledge do you have that others require? You have a few different skill sets that you might advertise if you’ve been working for a while. However, to get started, focus on three or four abilities that are in great demand or lend themselves well to a consulting role. As you beg...