The Soft Skill Revolution: Why It Matters

Technical and role-related skills will always be vital. However if employers want to set their workforce, and their business up for long-term success, soft skills should be an essential part of training programs. Because of the main focus on technical or “hard” skills of colleges and businesses, many young employees and seasoned workers alike are getting into the workforce unprepared and unarmed with the soft skills that may future-proof their careers. Businesses need to switch their focus away from b lack owned training in the hard and technical skills. And instead, invest in the future of their employees and the longevity of their company by providing training and development programs that will allow their staff to enhance their soft skills. So, what are the soft skills that will allow us to work along with technology instead of against it? Let’s look at 5 of the most important soft skills of the future. Wellness skills build a healthy foundation Eighty-nine percent of employees...