Is Your Home Ready for Santa?

“The bell still rings for those who truly believe” As we count down to the day after we can kick back and enjoy, ensure you’re really prepared, that no details slip through the cracks. How will Santa know to make a stop at your house? What if he comes by your undecorated house and thinks you’re off vacationing? Don’t worry, we’ve got the perfect solutions to your problems, so your home will be ready just in the (Saint) Nick of time. Show that mantel some love. Throw some holiday cheer here and there. Hang up a needlepoint Christmas stocking for each member of the family. Don’t forget to have them monogrammed—how’s old Kringle supposed to know what goes where if you don’t give him a little guidance? Help him out by embroidering your family members’ names on their respective stockings. Put a wreath on it. A wreath that’s hanging on one’s door says “holiday” more immediately than just about anything. Cookies actually work. He’s known as the Father of Christmas, after ...